Equipments and Structures
The structure containing the transformation and storage equipments occupies an area of about 1.000 sq. m., where the spaces for the product transformation and the spaces for the packaging, salting and storage are clearly separated.
The cheese factory is provided with two isothermal vehicles used for collecting milk from the countryside; really innovative is the milk suction system activated through the void produced inside the cistern by means of a powerful pomp, which allows to take milk out of the refrigerating cisterns without any alterations of its physical characteristics.
Caseificio Conti is also provided with an independent equipment for water purification, as well as with cold and seasoning rooms of modern devising.
The premises for the raw materials transformation are kept in perfect hygiene conditions while the workers and equipments are constantly monitored.
Milk is transformed the morning after the collecting day and it is transported from the storage bins to the pasteurizer, a heat exchanger with plates which warms milk to 71° C for about 40 sec. The pasteurizer is supplied by a steam generator to heat water. The thermal exchange between hot water and milk takes place indirectly through the pasteurizer plates.
After the pasteurization milk is filtered to remove any possible impurities and then transported to the boilers. These are called “polyvalent” since they warm milk for curdling and are also provided with special blades, driven by a planetarium to break and shake the curd.
In the cold rooms the moisture rate is regulated by specific equipments for a perfect control of the dairy products in every seasoning step.
When cheese is properly seasoned it is vacuum-packed through a thermal welding, which is followed by a thermal treatment to get a perfect adherence of the packet to the form and the keeping of vacuumpack conditions.
The cheese packaging is realized through an automatic machine provided with conveyor belt, welding bar chamber, thermal retroaction and waste suction modules, vacuum pump.
To the factory cheese is attached an equipment to purify refluent water, made up of:
- Equalization tank
- Primary settler
- Biologic reactor
- Secondary settler
- Purified water recycling tank
- Filtering module to stabilize debris mud
Our company parameters are much stricter than those fixed by laws, so that the modernization of the production and packaging equipments follows precise rules, in accordance with the company instructions.
The cheese factory